Theosophy Canada - Edmonton Theosophical Society Theosophy Canada Founders

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Edmonton Theosophical Society welcomes old friends and new friends to contact us about linking to their pages.


International Web Sites:

Carlos Aveline gives Brazil a notable web presence with an extensive archive: - Portuguese Speaking


Reed Carson was instrumental in helping drive the theosophical site BlavatskyNet.  There is a page on BlavatskyNet that looks at the articles of Reed Carson, a worthwhile collection of articles for any serious student of theosophy:


    Gerry Kiffe and Jon Fergus are doing an admiral job over at  This site has so much going for it.  For the serious student there are online study groups including a Secret Doctrine group, a Sacred Texts group, a Theosophical Tenets group, and an Art of Living group. Also there are many links and pdfs of theosophical material and sacred text material.  In addition their publishing arm Kshetra Books has released the collected works of Blavatsky's nephew and scholar, Charles Johnston.  This collection of books would look beautiful on any bookshelf, and the contents are timeless.  If you are a serious student of theosophy or are interested in what theosophy done right looks like, check out this site.


Often serious scholars of theosophical history are frustrated by the inaccessibility of many of the periodical collections that Blavatsky and early proponents of theosophy interacted with in trying to educate people, especially the spiritualists, on what theosophy was about.  Marc Demarest and his group over at The International Accociation for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals have done an incredible job at collecting much material from this time, some being of interest to theosophical researchers.  In addition, there is a collection of Judge's The Theosophical Forum.  Check out this site.